

24-pin smartcard interfaces

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Product overview


The ST8034HN and ST8034HC devices are complete low-cost analog interfaces for asynchronous and synchronous smartcards operating at a supply voltage of 5 V, 3 V or 1.8 V. The ST8034HN and ST8034HC devices can be placed between the card and the microcontroller to provide all supply, protection, detection and control functions, with just a few external components.

  • All features

    • Complete smartcard interface
    • ISO 7816, NDS and EMV 4.3 payment systems compatible
    • Three protected half-duplex bidirectional buffered I/O lines to the smartcard
    • 5 V, 3 V or 1.8 V supply voltage for the smartcard (VCC), pin-selectable. Ensures controlled VCCrise and fall times and provides smart overload detection with glitch immunity.
    • Very low power consumption in deep shutdown mode
    • Chip select function allows the device interface to be isolated from the microcontroller signals - allows parallel combination of the card interface devices (ST8034HC)
    • Card clock generation by integrated crystal oscillator or from external clock source
    • Card clock frequency up to 20 MHz, programmable by CLKDIV1 and CLKDIV2 pins (ST8034HN) or by CLKDIV pin (ST8034HC), with synchronous frequency changes
    • Automatic activation and deactivation sequences initiated by the microcontroller
    • Emergency deactivation sequences initiated by a card supply short-circuit, card take-off, falling VDD, VDDP, or VDD(INTF)or by the interface device overheating
    • Voltage supply supervisors
      • with a fixed threshold (VDD, VDDP)
      • with an external resistor divider to set the VDD(INTF)threshold (PORADJ pin)
    • Multipurpose card status signalOFF
    • Non-inverted card reset pin RST driven by the RSTIN input
    • Thermal and short-circuit protection of all card contacts
    • Card presence detection contacts debounced
    • Enhanced card side ESD protection of 8 kV
    • Space saving QFN24 4 x 4 x 0.8 mm package
    • Temperature range -25 to +85 °C

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The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
Marketing description of the package type.Compliancy of the device with industry requirement domains (IRD)The RoHS status of a product:
ECOPACK 1: Initial grade to identify European RoHS compliant products.
ECOPACK 2: New grade to identify brominated chlorinated and antimony oxide flame retardant free products.
ECOPACK 3: Halogen free RoHS exemptions free products.
(*): ECOPACK 2 version available upon request.
(**): Some versions still existing in ECOPACK 1 or not compliant.
The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
Budgetary PriceMarketing description of the package type.Storage method used to contain product.Main country of assembly or fabrication of the product.ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes.The value as specified by level (minTypMax) of the ambient temperature (in Cel) in which this item was designed to operate.The value as specified by level (minTypMax) of the ambient temperature (in Cel) in which this item was designed to operate.The value as specified by level (minTypMax) of the ambient temperature (in Cel) in which this item was designed to operate.