
MEMS pressure sensor: 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer

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Product overview


The LPS25H is an ultra-compact absolute piezoresistive pressure sensor. It includes a monolithic sensing element and an IC interface able to take the information from the sensing element and to provide a digital signal to the external world.

The sensing element consists of a suspended membrane realized inside a single mono-silicon substrate. It is capable of detecting pressure and is manufactured using a dedicated process developed by ST.

The membrane is very small compared to the traditionally built silicon micromachined membranes. Membrane breakage is prevented by an intrinsic mechanical stopper.

The IC interface is manufactured using a standard CMOS process that allows a high level of integration to design a dedicated circuit which is trimmed to better match the sensing element characteristics.

The LPS25H is available in a cavity holed LGA package (HLGA). It is guaranteed to operate over a temperature range extending from -30 °C to +105 °C. The package is holed to allow external pressure to reach the sensing element.

  • All features

    • 260 to 1260 mbar absolute pressure range
    • High-resolution mode: 1 Pa RMS
    • Low power consumption
      • Low-resolution mode: 4 μA
      • High-resolution mode: 25 μA
    • High overpressure capability: 20x full scale
    • Embedded temperature compensation
    • Embedded 24-bit ADC
    • Selectable ODR from 1 Hz to 25 Hz
    • SPI and I²C interfaces
    • Embedded FIFO
    • Supply voltage: 1.7 to 3.6 V
    • High shock survivability: 10,000 g
    • Small and thin package
    • ECOPACK® lead-free compliant