Designing with STM32
The course provides all necessary theoretical and practical know-how for start developing platforms based on STM32L, STM32H and STM32F families.
The course begins with an introduction on the MCUs, then continues with an in-depth study of the cube tool, memory organization, reset unit, interrupts handling, low-power modes, security, and all the SoC peripherals (Flash, PWR, RCC, EXTI, SYS, GPIO, DMA, CRC, USART, SPI, I2C, CAN, LPUART, RTC, IWDG, WWDG, TIM, LPTIM, ADC, DAC, COMP, OAMP, TOUCH, LCD, DFSDM, SAI, RNG, AES, QSPI, firewall, SWPMI, FMC, and USB).
The course also employs hardware and software design tools and combines 50% theory with 50% practical work in every meeting.
Designing with STM32MP1
Workshop aims to introduce the STM32MP1 series
It blends both, technical data overview and practical labs.
During labs work, you will take an active part in coding and building a functional use-case, both on Cortex® M4 (bare-metal) and Cortex® A7 (Linux).
STM32MP157C-DK2 Discovery Board, is used as the development platform for the hands-on.
This training provides in-depth capabilities to design software for the STM32MP1. The training starts by introducing the STM32MP1 Series and its positioning in ST strategy and roadmap. The course continues by covering the device block features and capabilities including Cortex-A7, Cortex-M4, memory system, inter-processor communication controller, GPU, display controller, video decoding with NEON, security accelerators and tamper detection, power management and clocks and the peripherals. In addition the training covers ST software OS and tools such as Linux (OpenSTLinux) and STM32CubeMX.
Duration | 24 |
Hours/Weeks | 24 |
Languages | English |
Delivery | Classroom, Online |
Hands-on | Yes |
Supported Devices | STM32 MPUs, STM32 |
Key Topics | Cortex-A and Cortex-M cooperation, security, power opimization, DMA, memory system (internal and external), graphics and video. |
Location | Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA |
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