The lower power losses of high-temperature silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) allow higher power density at 150°C, enabling circuits to draw more current or reduce heatsink in all inrush current limiters, converters, and solid-state relays. These devices benefit from ST design and process technologies to ensure maximum transient immunity for the lowest gate triggering current. High-temperature thyristors are part of the STPOWER family of performance devices and modules for a wide range of applications.
Product types
The new 16 A, 800 V thyristor in TO-220 insulated package is used in controlled rectifier bridges, AC relays, and for HV crowbar protection in SMPS, and is perfectly suited for compact power modules with 500 V/µs noise immunity. Also, for motorcycle voltage regulators or motor starters, the 150°C junction temperature enables extra design flexibility for smaller heatsinks and higher load control.
Combined with the innovative surface mount D2PAK package, these benchmark quality SCR lines further contribute to solution designs targeting high power density in EV battery chargers, industrial power supplies, charging stations, motorbike voltage regulators, motor drive applications, and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) converters. The expanding 1200 V automotive grade SCR range similarly allows more compact systems and higher current capability in 2- and 4-wheel mobility applications.
![Portfolio about a thyristors selection guide](/content/dam/category-pages/high-temperature-thyristors-scr/high-temperature-thyristors-portfolio.png)
- Available in SMD and through-hole isolated and nonisolated packages, ST high-Tj SCRs feature:
- Very low gate-triggering current (600 V SCRs only)
- Peak off-state voltage (blocking voltage) from 600 to 1200 V
- Maximum on-state current from 12 to 80 A
- Maximum junction temperature of 150°C
Discover how to protect against larger voltage spikes with high-temperature thyristors such as the TN5015H-6G (50 A on-state current, 600 V off-state voltage).
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20 A, 30A and 50 A on-state RMS current-rated SCRs with enhanced immunity and 150°C Tj max
ST's new series of 20 A, 30 A and 50 A silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) adds to our existing range of high-temperature thyristors:
- The new TN2010H series of SCRs has a narrower spread gate-triggering current – 5 mA typ. and 10 mA max. – than previous generations, while delivering high electrical noise immunity and further improving the reliability of the end products.
- The new TN3015H series of SCRs featuring 1000 V/µs high-noise-immunity provides high compactness power modules designers with an high margin on performances and reliability. The 15 mA gate current makes it easily driveable by microcontrollers. It is available in a TO-220, TO-220AB Ins. and D2PAK package outline.
- The new TN5015H series of SCRs includes the largest SCR fitted in a TO-220 package outline. This performs as an excellent crowbar circuit due to its large die size and surge on-state current (ITSM). The 15 mA gate current makes it easily driveable by microcontrollers.
Designed for low profile and reduced power consumption modules, these are ideal for solid-state relays, SMPS or battery chargers.
Get started with STEVAL-SCR001V1 – ST's inrush current limiter solution board – embedding our bypass thyristor !