Our approach

to sustainability

trees-plane-sustainability trees-plane-sustainability

Pioneering. 27 years of sustainability reporting.

Recognized. DJSI Included in World and Europe indices.

Committed. 2027 Carbon neutrality objective.

*in 2023

We are convinced that a sustainable culture is good for the planet, for our people and for all our stakeholders.

Sustainability has been in our DNA for nearly 30 years and is an integral part of who we are.

That's why we'll continue to strive to build a more sustainable world.

Committed to sustainability for over three decades

Committed to sustainability for over three decades

In the early 1990s, we were one of the first multinational companies to implement an environmental policy, complete with publicly disclosed targets that went beyond legal requirements.

Since then, we have increased our commitments even further.

Discover all our actions
  • 1987
    Business conduct & ethics policy
  • 1993
    Environmental policy
  • 1997
    First environmental report
  • 2001
    Creation of the ST Foundation
man-goal-everest man-goal-everest

Focus on actions

Safety certification

Safety certification

We were one of the first semiconductor companies certified OHSAS 18001, replaced in 2022 with ISO 45001. We committed to putting people first.

We were one of the first semiconductor companies certified OHSAS 18001, replaced in 2022 with ISO 45001. We committed to putting people first.

Check out how we prioritize people

Responsible operations

Responsible operations

We were amongst the first members of EICC (now RBA, Responsible Business Alliance), deploying sustainable and responsible practices in our operations and then engaging our suppliers to do the same.

We were amongst the first members of EICC (now RBA, Responsible Business Alliance), deploying sustainable and responsible practices in our operations and then engaging our suppliers to do the same.

See how How we monitor and develop suppliers

GHG reduction goal achieved in advance

GHG reduction goal achieved in advance

By implementing strong measures in our sites, and with the support of standardized management systems (ISO14001, ISO 50001...), we reached our 2025 CO2 reduction goal 6 years ahead of target and took our environmental strategy to next level.

By implementing strong mesures in our sites, and with the support of standardized management systems (ISO14001, ISO 50001...), we reached our 2025 CO2 reduction goal 6 years ahead of target and took our environmental strategy to next level.

Follow our Our journey towards carbon neutrality

27th Sustainability report

27th Sustainability report

We published our 27th Sustainability report, a significant milestone following our pioneering efforts in this field.

We published our 27th Sustainability report, a significant milestone following our pioneering efforts in this field.

Read our sustainability report
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Establishing a robust sustainability governance

Openness and accountability are key. That is why our President and CEO regularly updates our Supervisory Board on our sustainability roadmap, risks and opportunities, including climate-related risks, as well as our sustainability strategy and performance.

Our  Sustainability Committee, created by the Supervisory Board, aims to support and advise on the Board’s responsibilities regarding sustainability. The committee has five members.

Our President and CEO regularly updates our Supervisory Board on our sustainability roadmap, risks and opportunities, including climate-related risks, as well as our sustainability strategy and performance.

Our  Sustainability Committee, created by the Supervisory Board, aims to support and advise on the Board’s responsibilities regarding sustainability. The committee has five members.

Responsibility for sustainability lies with Rajita D’Souza, President, Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility, who chairs our Sustainability Council (composed of 14 members, representing the key functions within the organization). The Council validates the strategy and ensures that each department and site have the means to deploy the related corporate programs.

The Corporate Sustainability department is responsible for developing our sustainability strategy and programs. It is supported by a network of over 100 local Sustainability and EHS Champions who manage the programs and monitor our performance across all sites and organizations.

At our main sites, Sustainability Committees manage the local governance and take decisions related to deploying the strategy.

Our ST Sustainability Goals (SG)

Sustainability is embedded throughout our entire business.
Our Sustainability charter describes our commitments and goals.

SG #1 ≥20% of our revenues from new product lines by 2025.

SG #1 ≥20 % of our revenues from new product lines by 2025.

SG #2 ≥33% of our revenues generated from Sustainable Technology products by 2027.

SG #2 ≥33 % of our revenues generated from Sustainable Technology products by 2027.

Leading recognition of our performance

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
CDP the world’s leading environmental disclosure platform
FTSE4Good Index Series

Each year, socially responsible investment (SRI) rating agencies, analysts and investors evaluate our corporate behavior and performance based on a wide range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics.

Our sustainability performance is recognized worldwide. We are included in SRI indices and sustainability rankings such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe, CDP, FTSE4Good, and Bloomberg Gender Equality Index.

Embedding sustainability in our value chain

Sustainability has been a cornerstone of our business model and culture for a quarter of a century. As such, we implement programs to manage our impacts, opportunities and risks at each step of our value chain.

Playing our part in industry and international organizations

We have been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2000 and a member of the Responsible Business Alliance since 2005. As part of our sustainability mission, we aim to promote the electronic industry’s potential in all countries in which we operate.

We are members of numerous trade associations, working alongside other semiconductor businesses to shape the future contribution of the industry to society and consider the environmental impact.








Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The SDGs set by the United Nations define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030.
As a multinational company, we believe we have a responsibility and
a role to play in helping achieve these goals.