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Azure RTOS software expansion for STM32Cube for STM32H7R/S lines

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Product overview

Key Benefits

Ready-to-run applicative examples
Smooth application development experience with Azure ® RTOS
Safety documentation packages


X-CUBE-AZRT-H7RS (Azure® RTOS STM32Cube Expansion Package) provides a full integration of Microsoft® Azure® RTOS in the STM32Cube environment for the STM32H7Rx/7Sx microcontrollers. Ready-to-run applicative examples provided for the NUCLEO-H7S3L8 and STM32H7S78-DK Evaluation boards, along with a full compatibility with STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE, ensure that X-CUBE-AZRT-H7RS drastically reduces the learning curve and provides a smooth application development experience with Azure® RTOS and STM32H7Rx/7Sx microcontrollers.

The scope of this Expansion Package covers the following Azure® RTOS middleware: RTOS (ThreadX), USB Host and Device (USBX), file system including the support for NOR and NAND flash memories (FileX and LevelX), and networking including Ethernet and Wi‑Fi® media (NetX Duo).

Azure® RTOS FileX, Azure® RTOS LevelX, and Azure® RTOS USBX are also available to run in bare-metal mode without the Azure® RTOS ThreadX kernel.

FreeRTOS™ and CMSIS RTOS V2 adaptation layers are included and demonstrated, making it easy and quick to migrate from FreeRTOS™ or another RTOS to Azure® RTOS ThreadX for STM32H7Rx/7Sx users.

X-CUBE-AZRT-H7RS is only an STM32Cube integration of middleware stacks from Microsoft® Azure® RTOS. Neither the Azure SDK for Embedded C nor the Azure IoT Middleware for Azure RTOS, available from www.github.com/azure, are part of the X-CUBE-AZRT-H7RS Expansion Package, which therefore does not support native connectivity to the Azure® IoT Hub.

  • All features

    • Based on Azure® RTOS release 6.2.1
    • Integrated and full-featured operating system: Azure® RTOS ThreadX
      • FreeRTOS™ adaptation layer for ThreadX
      • CMSIS RTOS V2 adaptation layer for ThreadX
    • Industrial grade networking stack optimized for performance coming with many IoT protocols: Azure® RTOS NetX Duo, including examples with the 1DX M.2 module featuring the CYW4343W Wi‑Fi® chipset
    • Advanced Flash file system (FS) / Flash translation layer (FTL), fully featured to support NOR and NAND flash memories: Azure® RTOS FileX and Azure® RTOS LevelX
    • USB Host and Device stacks coming with multiple classes: Azure® RTOS USBX
      • The following USB Device classes are provided with examples: HID, CDC ACM, MSC, CDC ECM, composite HID/CDC ACM
      • The following USB Host classes are provided with examples: HID, MSC, CDC ACM, Dual Class
    • Azure® RTOS FileX, Azure® RTOS LevelX, and Azure® RTOS USBX running with Azure® RTOS ThreadX or in bare-metal mode
    • Safety documentation packages (available from Microsoft) enabling the use in applications targeting IEC 61508, IEC 62304, and ISO 26262
    • High security assurance from hardware to software, including middleware such as TLS/DTLS and cryptography
    • Many applicative examples available for STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-H7S3L8 and STM32H7S78-DK boards
    • Free user-friendly license terms
    • Enhanced for STMicroelectronics toolset: graphical configuration of Azure® RTOS middleware and initialization code generation with STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE
    • Update mechanism, which the user can enable to be notified of new releases

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