
Discovery Kit for SPC58EC - C line

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Product overview


The SPC58EC-DIS is the ideal discovery board for accelerating development and securing a fast time-to-market, with a perfect balance among performances, functionalities and cost. Featuring SPC58 Chorus 4C line microcontrollers, it addresses a wide range of automotive applications such as body and gateway, in which safety and security needs are growing.

The SPC58EC-DIS allows full access to peripherals such as DSPI, LINFlexD, ISO CAN-FD. The new features satisfy the ASIL-B requirements.

The board provides full access to all CPU’s signals and GPIO’s, and offers compatibility with an Arduino shield, through dedicated connectors. Dedicated connectors allow plugging shields Arduino UNO-compatible; this feature makes it easy to expand the functionality of the SPC58EC-DIS.

The board integrates a programmer/debugger that allows debugging and programming the microcontroller via USB cable. In addition, it allows enabling a UART communication channel (USB virtual COM port). It offers easy debug with the on-board PLS debugger-programmer. PLS universal debug engine software is available for free download at https://www.st.com/en/product/spc5-udestk-sw and includes a code size limited full feature evaluation license.

Additional SW licenses are available at https://www.st.com/en/product/spc5-udedebg

A 1x7 JTAG header connector is available to program and debug the microcontroller by using an external tool.

STMicroelectronics’ SPC5-STUDIO, is an eclipse-based integrated development environment, providing a comprehensive framework to design, build and deploy your own embedded application. SPC5-STUDIO is available for free download www.st.com/spc5studio and includes multiple free application firmware examples ready for use.

Learn more and share your experience joining the STMicroelectronics community at https://community.st.com.

  • All features

    • Featuring SPC58EC80E3, a high performance e200z420n3 dual core 32-bit power architecture technology CPU 180 MHz, 1088 KB 4224 KB (4096KB code flash memory + 128 KB data flash memory) 384 KB SRAM in an eTQFP100 package
    • On-board debugger and dedicated optional connector to plug a standalone JTAG debugger
    • USB virtual communication port
    • Two types of extension resources:
      • Extension headers for all device pins and for quick connection to prototyping expansion boards, additional modules, and evaluation probing
      • Arduino Uno revision 3 connectivity
    • Flexible board power supply:
      • USB port (mini B - 5 V)
      • External sources (DC): from 7 V to 12 V, 5 V or 3.3 V
    • Two push buttons: USER and RESET
    • Eight LEDs:
      • 3 for integrated programmer/debugger
      • 3 LEDs user
      • 1 for reset
      • 1 power LED: +5 V

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The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
The RoHS status of a product:
ECOPACK 1: Initial grade to identify European RoHS compliant products.
ECOPACK 2: New grade to identify brominated chlorinated and antimony oxide flame retardant free products.
ECOPACK 3: Halogen free RoHS exemptions free products.
(*): ECOPACK 2 version available upon request.
(**): Some versions still existing in ECOPACK 1 or not compliant.
The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
Budgetary PriceMain country of assembly or fabrication of the product.ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes.