STM32 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

STM32 MPU tips

MPU usage in STM32 with ARM CortexM7 MOOC

MPU usage in STM32 with ARM CortexM7

Learn basic information about Memory Protection Unit (MPU) and its configuration in STM32



Understand basic configuration and usage of Memory Protection Unit (MPU) with STM32 (CortexM7 based ones).

Who should attend this course?

  • Engineers looking for basic information about MPU features and configuration
  • Engineers looking for some examples of usage MPU with STM32F7 / STM32H7 lines

Benefits you will take away

  • This will allow you to understand the Memory Protection Unit (MPU) with CortexM7 based STM32 lines (like STM32F7, STM32H7)
  • You will be able to perform MPU setting examples on STM32F7 / STM32H7 devices

On line course concept

Course is provided in MOOC format with course material available online.

This course takes less than 1 hour to complete, depending on your proficiency.

Course outline

  • Speculative access on ARM Cortex-M7
  • Memory Protection Unit (MPU) settings
  • MPU settings examples

Training materials

Training materials can be downloaded from this link.