Banking, ID and transport security
Mobile security
Platform security
Wearable security
ST’s technology innovation
Although these devices are diverse, they all need to provide advanced security features to protect your privacy, your assets and your credentials by ensuring their confidentiality, their integrity and their availability to authorized requesters where and when needed. Most of them are submitted to international security certification programs like EMVCo, PCI, Common Criteria, ETSI and many others.
Complete solution
ST provides a wide range of products with seamless integration of security features to secure your mobile payments, wearable devices, contactless transactions and offer a complete framework of MCU/MPU hardware and software solutions to enhance security of your device’s platform.
Featured Products
Secure payments through contactless cards with biometric authentication, removing the need to enter a PIN code.
STPay-Topaz-Bio facilitates the creation of biometric system-on-cards. It handles the fingerprint enrollment, data template, power management, and the card’s authentication process. Users simply put a finger on the card’s fingerprint sensor instead of entering a PIN before the transaction takes place.
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