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Embedded security

The embedded security market is evolving rapidly from traditional smartcard business to a wide range of connected devices associated with a fast expanding communications infrastructure. In this rising digital economy, data is becoming a strategic asset. But as data travels from sensors to gateways, servers and finally the clouds, it is increasingly exposed to new threats and challenges that require new security approaches. At ST, we’re developing an embedded security framework that allows you to identify the threats and vulnerabilities of your asset categories, and to mitigate the risks by implementing dedicated security functions and services, relying on well recognized security assurance levels and certifications. Read more

Explore Embedded security applications

ST’s technology innovation

With over 30 years’ experience in security market and a leadership position in Arm® Cortex® 32-bit MCU & MPU, ST offers an unique and certified security ecosystem combining our knowledge base, products portfolio, reference software packages for seamless implementation of security functions within electronic devices, fully aligned with customer needs and compliant with new security standards.​

To ensure best-in-class security, ST provides STM32 MCUs and MPUs based on Platform Security Assurance (PSA) and Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platform (SESIP) certifications. This assurance level allows designers to build their applications using a solid security framework and to meet the requirements of their pre-defined security assurance level, such as PCI, UL-2900, IEC 62443, ETSI EN 303 645, FIPS-140-2 and many others. To further enhance the security assurance level, ST also provides secure elements from the STSAFE products family certified Common Criteria EAL5+.

Based on our strong expertise in developing efficient and flexible algorithms, and in order to keep up with evolving threats and cryptographic standards, ST launched a Post-Quantum Cryptography program: Post-Quantum Cryptography - STMicroelectronics  

Complete Solutions for Embedded System Security

ST provides a broad range of secure products and solutions for single devices and complete systems. They deliver new levels of security for Internet of Things, Industrial, and Automotive applications, including governmental or regulatory requirements such as metering and identity.​

Our STM32Trust Security Framework for MCUs and MPUs ensures that embedded security developers can safeguard their device against logic and basic board level attacks. Secure boot and secure firmware install & update are just two of the critical functions available to guarantee the integrity of an embedded system.​

​The STSECURE portfolio provides enhanced STM32 security assurance for applications ranging from traditional smartcards such as Banking and ID to the latest market technologies surrounding cellular connectivityNFC transactionsIoT authentication and Automotive.​

A large panel of trusted partners in embedded security​

If you’re looking for partners offering products and services that ease the adoption and usage of ST devices, members of the ST Partner Program specialized in embedded security are there to speed up the development of your products.​

See the complete list of our partners by search criteria here: #STM32TRUST OR #STSECURE OR #ST4SIM

Product Security Incident Report Team (PSIRT)

Product Security Incident Report Team (PSIRT)

ST's Product Security Incident Response Team (ST PSIRT) supervises the process of accepting and responding to potential security vulnerabilities involving ST hardware and software products.

ST places a high priority on security, and ST PSIRT is committed to rapidly addressing potential security vulnerabilities affecting our products. Our long history and vast experience in security allows ST to preform clear analyses and provide appropriate guidance on mitigations and solutions when applicable.

If you wish to report a potential security vulnerability regarding our products, we encourage you to report it to ST PSIRT by following the steps described on that page " Report potential product security vulnerabilities".​

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Training materials

Training materials

Security is critical for your application, but designing secure embedded systems is challenging, and you may need to learn fast.​ To help you remove roadblocks, we have designed a  step-by-step learning experience for you, tailored to your level of expertise and technical background, which will allow you to strengthen your knowledge on security and gradually acquire new skills by practicing with hands-on use cases.​​

Learn more