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Trusted platform module

The security of computing platforms and the protection of users’ assets have become a tremendous challenge. Integrating a Trusted Platform Module is a solution to answer to these increasing security demands.​ A Trusted Platform Module is a secure element compliant with TCG standards supporting standardized packages, interfaces and security services. TPM services are natively integrated in Windows and Linux operating systems. Open source and third-party lightweight software stacks are available to reduce the integration effort of TPM services at platform and application level.​ Read more

Expanding standardized trust from personal computing to connected devices

ST  STSAFE-TPM system-on-chip solution, based on well-proven ST33 hardware secure element,  is widely deployed in personal computers and servers, printers, telecom, healthcare and IoT equipment. All STSAFE-TPM products are certified by Common Criteria, TCG and FIPS and comply with regulatory requirements.​ STSAFE-TPM offering includes products compliant with automotive and industrial environmental constraints.