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PC software source code example for DEMO-CR95HF-A board (AN3954)

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Product overview


The STSW-95HF002 software package contains source code examples to create a PC based application (Windows) to control the RF transceiver board included in the M24LR-DISCOVERY evaluation kit.

Several functions have been developed to control the RF transceiver using either Visual Basic 6 or C/C++ language.

With this sample code, the user will be able to develop his own application to control the CR95HF and communicate with any RF tag.

  • All features

    • The RF transceiver board is an RFID reader demonstration board and is composed, among other parts, of a CR95HF (13.56 MHzmulti-protocol contactless transceiver IC with SPI and UART serial access) and a STM32 microcontroller
    • The PC source code example shows how to control the CR95HF embedded in the RF transceiver board through the USB
    • The software supports four RF protocols
      • ISO15693
      • ISO14443-A
      • ISO14443-B
      • ISO18092
    • Able to read and write NDEF messages in any ST RF product
    • Sample application to transmit NDEF message to a NFC device
    • Driver included through a specific Dll

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