Product overview
The ST25RU3993 RAIN® (UHF) RFID reader device provides multi-protocol support for the 840-960 MHz UHF band compatible with ISO18000-62 & -63, ISO29143 and to GS1’s EPC UHF Gen2 air interface protocol. It includes an on-chip VCO and a power amplifier, and offers a complete set of RFID features including dense reader mode (DRM) functionality and support for frequency-hopping, low-level transmission coding, low-level decode, data framing and CRC checking.
The ST25RU3993 operates at very low-power, making it suitable for use in portable and battery-powered equipment such as mobile phones.
Packaged in a 7x7 mm QFN, the ST25RU3993 is able to deliver very high sensitivity and provides high immunity against the effects of antenna reflection and self-jamming. This is critical in mobile and embedded applications, in which antenna design is often compromised by cost or size constraints. High sensitivity enables the end-products to achieve their required read range while using a simpler and cheaper antenna, thus reducing overall system cost.
Thanks to its high level of integration, the ST25RU3993 requires only an external 8-bit microcontroller to create a complete RFID reader system, thus eliminating the need for a complex RFID co-processor.
All features
- Supply voltage range 3.0 to 3.6 V
- Limited operation possible down to 2.7 V
- Maximum PA supply voltage 4.3 V
- Peripheral I/O supply range 1.65 to 5.5 V
- Protocol support for:
- ISO 18000-6C (EPC Class1 Gen2)
- ISO 29143 (Air interface for mobile RFID)
- ISO 18000-6A/B through direct mode
- DRM: 250 kHz and 320 kHz filters for M4 and M8
- Integrated supply regulators
- Frequency hopping support
- ASK or PR-ASK modulation
- Automatic I/Q selection
- Phase bit for tag tracking with 8-bit linear RSSI
- Temperature range: -40 °C to 85 °C
- 48-pin QFN (7x7x0.9 mm) package
- Tag read rates of up to 700* tags/s (16-bit tag EPC length)
- Supply voltage range 3.0 to 3.6 V
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