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Integrated Development Environment for STM32

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STM32CubeIDE is an all-in-one multi-OS development tool, which is part of the STM32Cube software ecosystem.

STM32CubeIDE is an advanced C/C++ development platform with peripheral configuration, code generation, code compilation, and debug features for STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors. It is based on the Eclipse®/CDT™ framework and GCC toolchain for the development, and GDB for the debugging. It allows the integration of the hundreds of existing plugins that complete the features of the Eclipse® IDE.

STM32CubeIDE integrates STM32 configuration and project creation functionalities from STM32CubeMX to offer all-in-one tool experience and save installation and development time. After the selection of an empty STM32 MCU or MPU, or preconfigured microcontroller or microprocessor from the selection of a board or the selection of an example, the project is created and initialization code generated. At any time during the development, the user can return to the initialization and configuration of the peripherals or middleware and regenerate the initialization code with no impact on the user code.

STM32CubeIDE includes build and stack analyzers that provide the user with useful information about project status and memory requirements.

STM32CubeIDE also includes standard and advanced debugging features including views of CPU core registers, memories, and peripheral registers, as well as live variable watch, Serial Wire Viewer interface, or fault analyzer.

  • All features

    • Integration of services from STM32CubeMX:STM32 microcontroller, microprocessor, development platform and example project selectionPinout, clock, peripheral, and middleware configurationProject creation and generation of the initialization codeSoftware and middleware completed with enhanced STM32Cube Expansion Packages
    • Based on Eclipse®/CDT™, with support for Eclipse® add-ons, GNU C/C++ for Arm® toolchain and GDB debugger
    • STM32MP1 Series:Support for OpenSTLinux projects: LinuxSupport for Linux
    • Additional advanced debug features including:CPU core, peripheral register, and memory viewsLive variable watch viewSystem analysis and real-time tracing (SWV)CPU fault analysis toolRTOS-aware debug suport including Azure
    • Support for ST-LINK (STMicroelectronics) and J-Link (SEGGER) debug probes
    • Import project from Atollic® TrueSTUDIO® and AC6 System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32)
    • Multi-OS support: Windows®, Linux®, and macOS®, 64-bit versions only

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