STM32 Digital Power Ecosystem


The STM32 Digital Power ecosystem (D-Power) helps developers accelerate the development of digital power applications, such as digital SMPS, lighting, welding, inverters for solar systems, and wireless chargers. It offers hardware, software tools, embedded software, training resources, and documentation.

ST's virtual APEC 2020 booth about Digital Power (06:59)


STM32 D-Power product lines

The STM32F3, STM32G4, and high-performance STM32H7 MCU series come with a set of features that enable digital power designs.

The STM32F334, STM32G4x4, STM32H74x and STM32H75x MCU lines offer an embedded high-resolution timer (HRTimer), a powerful and flexible pulse width modulation (PWM) generator providing a resolution down to 184ps.

The embedded HRTimer offers high resolution and includes a waveform builder & event handler:

High resolution

  • 184ps (with STM32G474) or 217ps (with STM32F334)
    • up to 12 channel timer made of units that can either be cross-coupled or work independently
    • high resolution on all channels at all times regardless of voltage, temperature or manufacturing deviation

Waveform Builder & Event Handler

  • Advanced PWM waveform generation with minimal software use
    • smart functions, such as a hardware burst-mode controller, auto delayed mode, external events windowing, delayed and re-enabled balance idle , slope compensation, valley skipping, protection schemes
    • one DMA channel per timer
    • one parameter modification can change multiple events (timer chaining)
  • Complex event management
    • 12 or 10 external event inputs and up to 6 fault inputs
  • Numerous interconnect

STM32 Digital Power product portfolio

STM32 D-Power as an evolutive ecosystem

The STM32 D-Power ecosystem addresses the requirements of beginner- to expert-level developers in the field of digital power.

STM32 Digital Power ecosystem Step 1 - Digital power for beginners Step 2 - Digital power discovery kits Step 3 - Hands-on workshops to take your project to the next level Step 4 - PSU and PFC software development kit Step 5 – Turnkey solutions

Step 1 - Digital power for beginners

Understand the basics of digital power with these 2 videos:

Increase your level of knowledge on digital power by watching these webinar recordings:

Step 2 - Digital power discovery kits

Step 3 - Hands-on workshops to take your project to the next level

Logo STM32 and Biricha

Digital power supply and PFC design workshops with STM32

ST teams up with Biricha to offer expert-level training on designing digital power applications based on the STM32 development ecosystem.
Learn how to design, code, implement and test stable digital power supply for both voltage and current mode DC/DC and digital power factor correction (PFC) applications, addressing the most recent industry needs.

Step 4 - PSU and PFC software development kit

Discover our set of PC software tools and embedded software examples to develop digital solutions for PSU and PFC.

Our Authorized Partner Biricha developed two user-friendly software tools, compatible with STM32Cube, to help you compute all the digital closed-loop coefficients, to match topologies, and quickly stabilize their PSU and PFC design.

PSU and PFC software development kits workflow

Available in STM32CubeMX,the X-CUBE-DPOWER software package contains embedded software examples (buck/current mode and buck/voltage mode), which can run on the B-G474E-DPOW1 and 32F3348DISCOVERY discovery kits.

    The following topologies are available:
  • interleaved boost PFC converter in average current control mode
  • phase-shifted full-bridge DCDC with constant voltage/current output
  • buck and boost PSU converters in Voltage and Current control mode
    Control loop based on PID or on Pole and Zero (2P2Z, 3P3Z) compensator
  • advanced control loop for better performance and stability
  • digital implementation of type III controller
  • coefficients generated using ST-WDS/ST-PLD tools from Biricha Digital (free version for STM32 users)

Discover useful tools and resources to move forward with your design journey:

Step 5 – Turnkey solutions

ST tools, development boards, and reference designs are there to help you take your digital design for PSU and PFC applications to the next level.

Digital Power Workbench – now available in eDesignSuite

Evaluate, analyze and customize the designs of several topologies with full digital control using the STM32G4 microcontroller.

    Supported topologies (AC/DC, DC/DC)
  • ZVS Interleaved Totem-Pole, Vienna Rectifier, 3-Level t-type converter
  • FB LLC

Embedded software examples implement the “standard PID model” and can be used as jump-starters on these topologies. They will soon be updated to match the models supported by Biricha’s PC software tools in order to improve stability and performance.

Looking for help?


Ask questions, join discussions, or follow online courses to increase your skills.

Digital Power and Digital PFC Design Workshop using STM32