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Code generator, quick resources configurator and Eclipse development environment for Stellar automotive MCUs

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Product overview


StellarStudio provides a completely new look and feel comprehensive framework to design, build and deploy embedded applications for STMicroelectronics Stellar (SRx family) automotive microcontrollers.

StellarStudio is built on a Eclipse plug-in development environment (PDE), a popular, extensible and fully customizable environment, enabling users to define new components, and third parties to develop new plug-ins. StellarStudio generated code is compatible with Stellar SDK toolkits.

Download (for free) StellarStudio from our web site. A release note is available on the StellarStudio web page. New minor versions are delivered through auto update notifications. Its marketplace is populated with new installable components providing high flexibility and great customization to increase the functionalities.

Users can build embedded software for all SRx MCUs by selecting the target device, define the status of its resources by the graphical user interface (GUI) and combining predefined software components. The application wizard module allows the users to automatically resolve dependencies getting “syntax error free” projects creation at first run.

For any question and contribution become a member of the StellarStudio community on web site.

  • All features

    • Free OpenSource integrated development environment (IDE) based on Eclipse for all the Stellar SRx automotive MCUs
    • Code, makefiles, ELF, and doc generation based on a template structure and data modeling technologies are easy exportable to other development environment
    • Visual and easy to use MCU’s pins configuration perfectly aligned with the reference manual
    • Visual MCU run modes and full clock tree configuration with automatic constraint checking
    • Graphical user interface for drivers configuration using StellarSDK
    • Software examples for evaluation boards covering most used peripherals
    • OpenOCD integration for easy flash and debug with StellarLINK
    • Free license GCC GNU C compiler component
    • Updates are managed through an Eclipse standard dedicated marketplace
    • Premium features can be added on top of the standard installation: Artificial intelligence, motor control and others

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