
Evaluation board for the ADC1283 8-channel, 50 to 200 ksps, 12-bit analog to digital converter

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Product overview


The STEVAL-AKI002V1 evaluation board allows the user to evaluate the conversion performance of the ADC1283 8-channel analog-to-digital converter designed for 50 to 200 ksps conversion.

The board can accept external signals to allow measurement and evaluation of the ADC1283 conversion performance based on its successive approximation register (SAR) with the internal track-and-hold cell.

A reference voltage is also present on the board and can be connected to one of the channels through a jumper.

The board is supplied in ready-to-use in standalone mode, or it can be connected to a NUCLEO-L476RG board with a STM32 microcontroller, which enables further signal processing and PC communication. This product can be used with the STSW-AKI GUI.

  • All features

    • 12-bit ADC implementing SAR technology
    • 50 to 200 ksps conversion rate
    • 8 to 1-channel input MUX
    • 2.7 to 5.5 V operating supply
    • SPI, serial digital output
    • Very low power consumption
    • RoHS compliant

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The current status of a product:
Active: Product is in volume production
Evaluation: Product is under characterization. Limited Engineering samples available
Preview: Product is in design stage
Target: Product is in design feasibility stage.No commitment taken to produce
Proposal: Marketing proposal for customer feedback.No commitment taken to design or produce
NRND: Not Recommended for New Design.Product is in volume production only to support customers ongoing production.
Budgetary PriceECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes.