Gesture Recognition solution based on VL53L5CX multizone Time-of-Flight ranging sensor

Gesture Recognition solution based on ST multizone Time-of-Flight ranging sensor

Software algorithm for ST multizone Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors to recognize and track hand gestures.  



The STSW-IMG035 software presents an ecosystem complete with GUI and example code to streamline the design and development of gesture recognition interfaces.
The Gesture EVK tool lets you immediately start evaluating the potential of our powerful gesture algorithm for your application.



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The VL53L5CX, VL53L7CX and VL53L8CX are real-time native 8x8 multizone Time-of-Flight sensors. With wide FoV from 65° to 90°, its 60Hz maximum ranging frequency allow accurate and reliable gesture recognition. ST offers different  development boards and options to help designers integrate gesture recognition technology in their prototypes and go to market fast.


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Unlimited applications and markets



STGesture™ benefits

  • Cost-friendly sensor, system architecture, and development
  • Ready to use and integrate in new or existing designs
  • High privacy as no imaging is involved unlike camera
  • Low power advantage of ToF sensor technology
  • Light gesture algorithm can run on low-power MCU
  • Light data flow (unlike radar)
  • General-purpose MCU already embedded in most architectures
  • Not sensitive to target color, shape, and size




Real-life examples

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How to get started

Our turnkey solution for gesture recognition offers an all-in-one package with everything built in.

1. Download the Gesture GUI

The STSW-IMG035_EVK comes with multiple widgets for gesture recognition, hand tracking, application control, and other functionality.

2. Plug the ST multizone ToF sensor to your computer

Upload the precompiled firmware on your development board.

3. Test, evaluate, and have fun

The Gesture EVK displays a live feed of the ToF sensor measurements. Open a widget to start testing specific use cases such as photo gallery, slideshow control, etc.

4. Develop your own application

Speed up your entire development process with our example code and libraries.

Download the example codeGet the libraries >

webinar mems pressure sensors


  • Principle and Time-of-Flight technology
  • Objectives and market applications
  • All-in-one solution with ST FlightSense product and software
  • Overview of what will come next