Low offset voltage Op Amps (<1 mV)

ST’s precision operational amplifier portfolio includes several series covering different voltage ranges, as well as many possible combinations of power consumption and gain bandwidth. It allows you to get the best performance for the appropriate accuracy.

ST’s precision op amp solutions include zero drift amplifiers and amplifiers with a low offset drift over temperature. Thus the precision op amps from ST are a perfect fit for use with any sensor, including gas, temperature, pressure, and position sensors. Moreover, the rail-to-rail input and output feature allows easy and accurate high-side and low-side sensing.

Low Offset Voltage Op Amp

New generation of micropower, high-bandwidth, 16 V CMOS op amps

Using an advanced CMOS manufacturing process, the TSX series of 16 V op amps helps save energy, improves accuracy and simplifies the design for applications from automotive electronics to smart buildings and industrial control.

  • The TSX631, TSX632, TSX634 single, dual and quad amplifiers offer a 200 kHz gain bandwidth product while consuming 60 μA maximum at 16 V
  • The TSX561, TSX562, TSX564 single, dual and quad amplifiers offer an outstanding speed/power consumption ratio, 900 kHz gain bandwidth product while consuming only 250 μA at 16 V
  • The TSX921 and TSX9291 single amplifiers offer excellent AC characteristics, respectively 10 and 16 MHz gain bandwidth and 0.0003 % THD+N