Standard operational amplifiers are general-purpose op amps that are used in a wide array of applications. They are characterized by their balanced performance, ease of use, and cost efficiency. STMicroelectronics' standard op amps are designed to offer a good balance of key parameters such as gain bandwidth, slew rate, input offset voltage, and power consumption.
- Amplifiers
- Signal conditioning circuits
- Power management systems
- Sensor interfaces
- Control systems
- Data acquisition systems
- Infotainment systems
- Sensor interfaces
- Electronic control units (ECUs)
Product types
STMicroelectronics offers a diverse range of standard operational amplifiers tailored for different applications, including:
LM Series
- LM2904, LM358, LM324: dual and quad op amps with low power consumption and wide supply voltage range. They are widely used in general-purpose applications such as signal conditioning, filtering, and amplification.
TS Series
ST's general purpose operational amplifier portfolio offers the following benefits for cost-sensitive applications:
- Wide supply ranges from 1.6 V to 36 V
- Low Power Consumption, High Input Impedance, Low Offset Voltage.
- Robust and reliable performance
- High-temperature (150°C) versions
- Available in space-saving from industry well known SC-70 and SOT-23 to groundbreaking DFN and QFN packages