Proximity and ranging sensors are used to detect and measure distances to objects without physical contact. Our FlightSense™ Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors can measure the distance to a target to the nearest millimeter with superior accuracy up to 4 meters, independent of the material’s reflectivity, unlike traditional IR proximity sensors. Moreover, their performance is not impaired even when placed behind a protective glass. To enable more advanced applications, our Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors provide features including selectable Regions of Interest (RoIs) that help discriminate target object locations, detect movement and generate depth-maps. Our FingerTip® capacitive touch controllers provides true multi-touch capability, supporting an unlimited number of simultaneous touches, enabling enhanced multi-touch actions such as pinch-to-zoom as well as support for stylus operations. ST's proximity, ranging and touch sensors are designed with ultra-low-power architectures and, together with our power management solutions and ultra-low-power STM32 microcontrollers, can help engineers develop challenging battery-operated applications. Read more

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