The inDART is a powerful, low-cost in-circuit debugging (ICD) and in-circuit programming (ICP) tool, developed for ST7 in partnership with Softec Microsystems™.
The inDART takes advantage of the ST7 Visual Develop (STVD7) integrated development environment and ST7 in-circuit communication (ICC) capability to deliver ICD and ICP for a wide range of ST7 Flash microcontrollers.
Hardware and software debugging features include real-time code execution, stepping and breakpoints.
The inDART offers parallel or USB connection to the host PC, depending on the model, and 10-pin ICC connection for connecting to evaluation or application board.
- In-circuit debugging features:
- Source level and symbolic debugging
- Unlimited instruction breakpoints
- Execution control including instruction stepping
- Advanced breakpoints on data, access type, access range, stack...(depending on model)
- Watch variables, registers and peripherals
- In-circuit programming features: Blank check/erase/read/verify for Flash EEPROM memory and option bytes
- In-circuit debugging features: