The SPC5-UDESTK is a USB/JTAG interface to enable the debugging and programming at budget price of SPC5x MCUs.
SPC5-UDESTK is fully compliant with IEEE1149.1 JTAG protocol.
SPC5-UDESTK supports you while building applications and you can run and test your software in a convenient and cost-efficient way.
It offers a collection of tools including source file management, project building and powerful HLL debugger with high-speed communication paths to the customer's hardware target system with target monitor.
There are three kit bundle versions available including the SPC5-UDESTK USB/JTAG adapter and the debugger SW.
It includes a perpetual, full-feature, limited code-size (256 kBytes) license.
SPC5-UDEDEBG-TL is a one-year, full-feature, unlimited code-size license.
SPC5-UDEDEBG is a perpetual, full-feature, unlimited code-size license.
SPC5-UDESTK can be ordered directly from ST or ST franchised distributors.
To download the debugger software and to activate license go to pls-mc.com web site.
The SPC5-UDESTK debugger is accessible via ST's free integrated development environment, SPC5Studio, which can be downloaded from ST WEB (free download).
ST Community is available on ST.COM.
- SPC5-UDESTK USB/JTAG adapter working with PLS UDE (universal debug engine) starter kit version
- Supports SPC5x automotive microcontroller product families
- Supports multicore eTPU and GTM debugging
- Provides FLASH programming of on-chip FLASH featuring erase/program/verify
- Status LED's indicate the target's IO voltage, connection state and running state
- Supports service provided through STMicroelectronics