STSW-IOD02L051 is an STM32Cube software package enabling IO-Link communication when the STDES-IOD002V1 is connected to an IO-Link master.
STM32Cube is a combination of a full set of PC software tools and embedded software blocks running on STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors.
Based on the STM32CubeHAL, the STSW-IOD02L051 extends STM32Cube by providing a board support package (BSP) for an IO-Link communication based on a demo-stack library managing data coming from internal L6364Q and STM32L051T8 temperature sensors.
The architecture of this application software facilitates the integration with other software (also X-CUBE based) with the aim of creating examples for the most common application technologies.
Included libraries enable functions creating a real and usable system for developers.
Hardware drivers and abstract low-level details allow the middleware components and applications to access data in a hardware-independent manner. The IO-Link demo-stack is included in the middleware libraries.
The software package includes the IODD file to be uploaded onto the user's IO-Link master.
Included software can be used in three integrated development environments (IDEs): IAR, KEIL and STM32CubeIDE.
- Software package to build IO-Link device applications for STDES-IOD002V1 board based on L6364Q and STM32L051T8 microcontroller
- Middleware library featuring IO-Link device mini-stack for L6364Q
- Ready-to-use monitoring of L6364Q and microcontroller embedded temperature sensors
- Easy source code integration for additional ISM330DHCX or IIS2MDC external sensors connected to the embedded sensor interface
- Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube
- Free, user-friendly license terms