

The STSW-L99H02 is a graphical user interface software designed to drive the L99H02QF or L99H02XP devices. It enables the driving of two different application boards related to the L99H02, that are EVAL-L99H02XP and EVAL-L99H02QF.

It must not be installed, an executable file is released from STMicroelectronics to open the GUI.

  • 特徴

    • All the commands needed to program and drive the application board (that is, EVAL-L99H02XP and EVAL-L99H02QF) are available in a single screen, but they are divided in sections.
    • The menu is composed of three drop-down menus:
      • Driver: manual choice of the driver; a single choice is allowed in this menu
      • Mode: online/offline working mode
      • Help: information about the supported device
    • In the motor control section, the user can make the following choices:
      • Motor rotation: the direction of rotation of the motor, forward or reverse, can be established
      • Free-wheeling: it is programmable by SPI. Selecting the “alternative” check box, the correspondent bit in the configuration register will be switched continuously from 0 (low side free-wheeling) to 1 (high side free-wheeling) in order to reduce power MOS ageing and evenly distribute the power dissipation among four power MOSFETs (for more details refer to the user manual)
      • Start button
