The STM32 microcontrollers are able to emulate parallel synchronous communication through GPIOs using the embedded DMA IP.
The X-CUBE-PARAL-COM software solution developed on STM32Cube offers an implementation of such parallel synchronous interface on STM32L476G and STM32F429I discovery boards. It can easily be ported on other platforms.
- Timeout detection of end of transmission
- CRC check of transmitted data
- STM32L476G discovery board implementation features
- Storage of transmitted data in STM32L476 internal SRAM
- Up to 10MHz transmission clock
- Data frame length limited by internal SRAM size and DMA 16bit counter (65530 data transmitted)
- STM32F429I discovery board implementation features
- Storage of transmitted data in external SDRAM
- Up to 7.82MHz transmission clock
- Data frame length limited by external SDRAM size