This STPIC6C595 is a monolithic, medium-voltage, low current power 8-bit shift register designed for use in systems that require relatively moderate load power such as LEDs. The device contains a built-in voltage clamp on the outputs for inductive transient protection. Power driver applications include relays, solenoids, and other low-current or medium-voltage loads.
The device contains an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds an 8-bit D-type storage register. Data transfers through both the shift and storage register clock (SRCK) and the register clock (RCK), respectively. The device transfers data out the serial output (SER OUT) port on the rising edge of SRCK. The storage register transfers data to the output buffer when shift register clear (CLR) is high. WhenCLR is low, the input shift register is cleared. When output enable (G) is held high, all data in the output buffer is held low and all drain output are off. When G is held low, data from the storage register is transparent to the output buffer.
When data in the output buffers is low, the DMOS transistor outputs are off. When data is high, the DMOS transistor outputs have sink-current capability. The SER OUT allows for cascading of the data from the shift register to additional devices.
Output are low-side, open-drain DMOS transistors with output ratings of 33 V and 100 mA continuous sink-current capability. Each output provides a 250 mA maximum current limit at TC = 25°C. The current limit decreases as the junction temperature increases for additional device protection. The device also provides up to 1.5KV of ESD protection when tested using the human-body model and 150 V machine model.
The STPIC6C595 is characterized for operation over the operating case temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C.
- Low power consumption
- Device are cascadable
- Low RDS(on): 4
typ - Eight 100 mA DMOS outputs
- 30 mJ avalanche energy
- 33 V output clamp voltage
- 250 mA current limit capability
EDAシンボル / フットプリント / 3Dモデル
品質 & 信頼性
製品型番 | マーケティング・ステータス | パッケージ | グレード | RoHSコンプライアンスグレード | 材料宣誓書** |
STPIC6C595MTR | 量産中 | SO-16 | インダストリアル | Ecopack2 | |
STPIC6C595TTR | 量産中 | TSSOP-16L | インダストリアル | Ecopack3 |
(**) st.comで提供している材料宣誓書は、パッケージ・ファミリ内で最も一般的に使用されているパッケージに基づく汎用ドキュメントの場合があります。そのため、特定の製品では100%正確ではない可能性があります。特定の製品情報については、セールスサポートまでお問い合わせください
サンプル & 購入
製品型番 | 製品ステータス | Budgetary Price (US$)*/Qty | STから購入 | Order from distributors | パッケージ | 梱包タイプ | RoHS | Country of Origin | ECCN (US) | ECCN (EU) | Operating temperature (°C) | Operating Temperature (°C) (max) | ||
最小 | 最大 | |||||||||||||
STPIC6C595TTR | | | distributors 販売代理店に在庫がない場合は、STのセールス・オフィスまでお問い合わせください | |||||||||||
STPIC6C595MTR | | | distributors 販売代理店に在庫がない場合は、STのセールス・オフィスまでお問い合わせください |