Dracula Technologies, headquartered in Valence, France, pioneers sustainable energy solutions with their LAYER® technology, revolutionizing power sources for low-power electronics. Their Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) modules, manufactured using patented digital printing, harvest ambient light, eliminating reliance on traditional batteries.
LAYER® Vault complements their existing OPV harvesting product line, transforming it into a 2-in-1 product, combining low-light energy harvesting and storage on a single, flexible film ensuring uninterrupted device functionality, empowering Smart buildings, Smart homes, Smart asset tracking, and other related applications.
With a commitment to clean, renewable energy, Dracula Technologies leads the change towards a greener future by providing long-lasting, and cost-effective energy solutions.
Supporting their mission is their new "Green micropower factory"—a state-of-the-art, fully automated facility, the largest of its kind in Europe with a capacity of up to 150 million cm² of printed OPV devices per year.
Products of Dracula Technologies
Dracula Technologies offers two advanced energy harvesting solutions, both manufactured using state-of-the-art inkjet printing technology.
LAYER® is a flexible OPV module and LAYER® Vault combines an OPV layer and a supercapacitor on a single thin film ensuring both energy harvesting and storage. These energy solutions seamlessly integrate with low-power electronics, guaranteeing their full device autonomy.
LAYER® modules are distinguished by their thinness, flexibility, and adaptability. Thanks to inkjet printing, LAYER® enjoys a free-form design that can be integrated in any sensor size and shape. Operating even in extreme low-light environments, LAYER®’s performance is optimal in sub-500 LUX conditions and enables applications in the Smart Home & building and Smart asset tracking segments. Dracula Technologies has crafted a bespoke OPV module precisely suited to Semtech's application needs, specifically tailored for the STM32U0 microcontroller.
STM32U0 powered by LAYER®
Dracula Technologies’ LAYER® OPV technology was integrated into the STM32U0, granting it full energy autonomy thereby eliminating the need for traditional batteries. Even in challenging indoor low-light environments with as little as five LUX, equivalent to a very dim room, LAYER® continues to generate a sufficient amount of energy to ensure optimal device operation.
Leveraging the capabilities of Dracula Technologies' OPV, the STM32U0 achieves unprecedented static power consumption levels, empowering engineers to optimize their designs for a multitude of applications across industrial, medical, smart metering, and consumer wellness markets.
Dracula Technologies’ collaboration with STM32U0 thus opens the doors to applications that can excel with substantially smaller power sources.
Dracula Technologies in STMicroelectronics ecosystem
The collaboration between Dracula Technologies and STMicroelectronics represents a significant advancement for both companies, merging their expertise in low-power electronics to create autonomous energy solutions that meet market demands.
Dracula Technologies showcases the reliability of its technology in the low-power electronics segment by integrating its organic photovoltaic technology in STMicroelectronics microcontrollers. This synergy enables STMicroelectronics to elevate its products by making them fully energy-autonomous using Dracula Technologies' ambient light energy harvesting solution, LAYER®️, operating in low-light environments. By expanding its applications range, Dracula Technologies strengthens its position as a provider of sustainable and efficient energy solutions in the market.
For STMicroelectronics, this collaboration marks a new era of energy-efficient microcontroller units thanks to the access to expertise in organic photovoltaic technology and energy harvesting solutions. By integrating Dracula Technologies' know-how into its offerings, STMicroelectronics can now enable applications that demand ultralow power consumption, particularly crucial for numerous self-powered sensors relaying on energy harvesting instead of traditional batteries. This collaboration opens up new opportunities for STMicroelectronics to cater to a wider variety of applications and capitalize on the momentum towards sustainable technologies. The STM32U0 helps design teams to provide the optimal compromise between energy consumption, integrated features, and cost-effectiveness.
Dracula Technologies: Related Resources
Description | Category |
STM32U0 ULP Lux Demo | Video |

• コンパニオン・デバイス
• 開発ボード
3 Rue Georges Auric, 26000, Valence, France
Jerome Vernet
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 | |
Demokit | Free shape OPV module | STM32U0 series STM32U083C-DK |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 | |
LAYER® | Organic photovoltaic (OPV) modules | STM32U0 series |
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