is the leader in device lifecycle management with a mission to secure the World's connected devices. Established in 2008, showcases a long history of enterprise systems management before IIoT and IoT became buzzwords. has a mission to secure the World's connected devices and serves enterprises across industry segments from automotive and aviation to defense, energy, HVAC, medical diagnostics and telehealth, telecommunications, transport and consumer electronics.
In 2015, released the first version of Mender, the standard in over-the-air (OTA) software update management for embedded Linux systems.
Products & Services offered by
- Mender offers robust, secure, and customizable over-the-air (OTA) software updates for embedded devices at scale. Its client-server architecture enables the central management of software deployments.
- Mender also supports powerful extensions to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot smart devices. Features include remote terminal access, port forwarding, file transfer, and device configuration. Mender also offers standalone deployment support, triggered at the device-level (No server needed!) for unconnected or USB delivered software updates.
Embedded Linux support
- Mender works with any form of embedded Linux but typically is integrated with Yocto Project, Debian or Ubuntu-based Linux systems.
- Mender, the standard in over-the-air (OTA) software update management for embedded Linux systems and can be integrated with any of the MPUs in the STM32MP1 Series .
- Here is an example reference tutorial on the Mender integration with the STM32MP157A-DK1 and STM32MP157C-DK2 Discovery kits. It can be used to guide an integration with other MPUs in the STM32MP1 Series. in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
End users of MPUs in the STM32MP1 Series can easily and rapidly deploy over the air software updates for both full system and applications across any size of embedded device fleet from less than 10 to hundreds and thousands of devices.
Capabilities are included to automate and control the management of the software updates at scale and to ensure that only the right people make the right changes to the right devices. Related Resources
Description | Category |
Mender OTA software updates with optional device management features | Video |
• 組込み用ソフトウェア
Gaustadalléen 21, N-0349, Oslo, Norway
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Mender | Over the Air update solution | STM32MP157D-DK1 STM32MP1 Series |
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