RELOC provides a comprehensive range of engineering services to develop cutting-edge embedded systems, robust IoT consumer products, and secure industrial M2M applications, seamlessly connecting physical objects with cloud and mobile platforms.
RELOC can support the customers throughout all phases of development, starting with the analysis of requirements, identifying the best technologies for the project, developing custom hardware or integrating existing components, creating wireless or wired infrastructures based on the most suitable communication protocols, developing firmware and software components, manufacturing complex prototypes based on different technologies, gathering data on cloud platforms for further analysis and, eventually, presenting contents via responsive web interfaces and mobile APPs.
RELOC has built a solid reputation over more than 15 years in the IoT field, developing wireless IoT products using a wide range of wireless protocols to ensure reliable and versatile connectivity solutions. Bluetooth, wi-fi, cellular, ZigBee, thread, LoRa, NFC, sub-GHz communications, and UWB are examples of the broad range of protocols we proficiently exploit during IoT product development.
Products and Services of RELOC
- Requirements analysis and Technology identification: Detailed assessment of project requirements and identification of the best-suited technologies to ensure optimal performance and scalability.
- Hardware design and prototype manufacturing: Custom hardware design, including schematic capture, PCB layout, and the manufacturing of prototypes for rigorous testing and validation.
- Low-Power embedded device design: Creation of energy-efficient embedded devices utilizing innovative technologies such as energy harvesting to extend battery life and reduce maintenance.
- Firmware development: Design of firmware ranging from bare-metal applications to sophisticated RTOS-based solutions, ensuring reliability and flexibility for various applications.
- HMI design: Development of intuitive and user-friendly human machine interfaces (HMI) to enhance user experience and interaction with embedded systems.
- IoT solution development: Design of IoT solutions employing the most appropriate wireless or wired communication protocols, ensuring reliable and secure connectivity.
- Cloud data integration and presentation: Gathering and integrating data on cloud platforms for in-depth analysis, with responsive web interfaces and mobile apps for real-time content visualization and interaction.
RELOC in STMicroelectronics ecosystem
As a STMicroelectronics partner, RELOC gains invaluable access to STMicroelectronics' advanced semiconductor technologies and deep technical expertise, significantly enhancing its own product offerings and technological capabilities. This strategic collaboration enables RELOC to deliver state-of-the-art solutions that drive innovation and operational efficiency for its clients across various industries, fostering greater competitive advantage and market growth. In turn, STMicroelectronics benefits from RELOC's agility and specialized IoT market knowledge, allowing it to penetrate niche markets more effectively and respond to emerging trends with increased speed and precision.
• コンサル & 開発サービス
• 開発ボード
• ST製品搭載デバイス
• トレーニング
Strada Langhirano 264/3A - 43124 , Parma, Italy
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
RM-SS2-MKR | RM-SS2-MKR is an Arduino MKR1000 form factor development board that enables for straightforward test and integration of sub-GHz RM-SS2 RF module. | S2-LP STM32L0 Series |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Embedded firmware design for smart connected products | RELOC team of embedded developers helps customers in designing truly smart, user friendly, wireless connected products with quick turnaround time | STM32WBx5 BlueNRG-2N S2-LP STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
Embedded design for smart / connected products | RELOC team of embedded developers helps customers in designing truly smart, user friendly, wireless connected products with quick turnaround time | STM32WBx5 BlueNRG-2N S2-LP STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Mastering RTOS | FreeRTOS training course featuring hands-on embedded systems development using STM32 MCUs | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
RM-SS2 | The RM-SS2 is a sub-GHz radio module based on STM S2-LP transceiver and STM32L0 MCU targeted for low-power flexible IoT networks | S2-LP STM32L0 Series |
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