The package includes the documentation and firmware framework for ST G3-PLC technology evaluation, based on the EVALKITST8500-1 kit that embeds all the functions required for plug-and-play G3-PLC power line communication networking.
An intuitive user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for the Windows® environment allows the user to upgrade the firmware release, configure and control the evaluation kit and run application commands.
The STM32 application firmware example implements a UDP/IPv6 protocol on top of the 6LowPAN adaptation layer of the G3-PLC communication layers running on ST8500 device
The G3-PLC stack is configured to work in FCC band-plan by default and can be easily configured to work in CEN-A and CEN-B as well.
The application example includes remote LEDs control and RTC configuration, nodes ping and string data transfer.
At least two EVALKITST8500-1 kits must be separately ordered in order to run the firmware and application example.
- Complete power line communication (PLC) package for G3-PLC:
- Plug and play
- Certified ST G3-PLC technology supporting worldwide band plan up to 500 kHz:FCC (default),CENELEC A,CENELEC B
- Support for multiple regions and applications with a single design
- Suitable for data communication over AC or DC power line for:
- Smart home
- Smart building
- Smart lighting
- Smart city
- Smart solaro
- Smart railway
- Energy management systems
- Smart metering
- Smart grid
- Developed for EVALKITST8500-1 power line communication evaluation kit based on ST8500 and STLD1 devices
- Single modem protocol engine and real time engine firmware images (binaries) for both PAN coordinator and device
- Compatible with the user-friendly STSW-SGKITGUI SmartGrid LabTool PC GUI:
- Easy modem firmware download
- Simplified configuration
- PLC application example panel: command and control, data transfer
- Full open source firmware framework:
- Based on STM32 general purpose companion microcontroller
- Command and control and data transfer application firmware example
- Ready for customer application firmware development and integration
- Full documentation
- STM32 firmware user manual
- G3-PLC host interface driver application note
- Complete power line communication (PLC) package for G3-PLC: