The EVAL-RHRICL1ATV1 evaluation board has been developed for the RHRPMICL1A rad-hard integrated current limiter IC, which is able to work with an external P-channel power MOSFET. Further information can be found in the datasheet available on the web.
The RHRPMICL1A features 3 user-configurable operating modes (re-triggerable, latch, foldback), with different behaviors in case of overload/short-circuit events. Each evaluation tool comes with all external components needed for a complete electrical evaluation of the device functionality in the selected configuration.
The EVAL-RHRICL1ATV1 evaluation board is intended for evaluation purposes only.
- VCC = 50 V
- UVLO on threshold = 44 V
- UVLO off threshold = 40 V
- I_lim = 5 A
- TON= 3 ms
- TOFF= 1 s