The STEVAL-IHP007V1 evaluation board is a power line communication module addition to the STEVAL-ILH007V1 HID ballast module. It provides functions for the management of street lighting network architecture in the CENELEC A-B-D bands.
The module is based on an STM32F103CBT7 ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and an ST7580 PSK narrow band power line modem with up to 28.8 kbps data rate. The embedded MCU can be easily replaced with an equivalent 48-pin MCU from the STM32F0, STM32F2, STM32F3 families with a few changes.
The module is designed to work with the STEVAL-ILH007V1 HID module, but can be associated with other lighting driver boards with a standard serial communication port.
Note that this board only functions in a network with an EVALKITST7580-1 board designated as the master; this is achieved via UART commands.
- SM6T15CA: Transil 600 W TVS diode
- SMAJ5.0CA-TR: Transil 400 W TVS diode
- ST7580: FSK, PSK multi-mode power line networking system-on-chip
- STM32F103CBT7: STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU
- STPS1L30: low drop power Schottky rectifier 1 A, 30 V, 0.3 V
- STTH1L06A: Turbo 2 ultrafast high voltage rectifier
- RoHS compliant