- Actility ThingPark FUOTA LoRaWAN Reliable Multicast and FUOTA server
- Kineis VAM Program Kineis VAM Program is an offer to discover and design a new device with satellite IoT connectivity.
- ExoSense Condition monitoring application, Industrial Asset tracking
- EPS Programming and Secure Provisioning Services Secure Microcontrollers & all Programmable Microcontrollers
- Polaris Precise Positioning Network Polaris is a highly accurate, highly available corrections service for GNSS. With coverage in the US, Europe, and Australia, Polaris makes it easy to get cm-accurate location for your TeseoV device
- Autonomous Security Platform Cybersecurity for IoT embedded devices
- KeyScaler Security Lifecycle Management, identity and access management (IAM) for IoT
- Arduino IoT Cloud Log, graph and analyze sensor data, trigger events, & automate home or business
- Gizwits GDCS Low-cost cloud based IoT connectivity service
- Gizwits IoT OPen Development Platform End-to-end solution, cloud service and online tools for IoT
- Actility ThingPark Activation server LoRaWAN Activation server
- Skylark Precise Positioning Service Precise location offering accurate, reliable, high integrity GNSS corrections for various Teseo GNSS solutions
- PoC Development Individual HW development for M2M/IoT solution
- rapidM2M Uplink Secure data transfer from device to M2M platform
- Cloud Secure Use on-SIM technology and network services to protect, detect and react to cyber-security events
- Secure FOTA Service Secure firmware over the air update management service for IoT devices
- Global Deploy Install and manage eSIM bootstrap or operational profiles for Global Deployment of IoT devices using ST4SIM
- Digi ConnectCore Security Services Digi ConnectCore® Security Services analyze software running on ConnectCore SOMs for security risks and vulnerabilities during the entire product lifecycle and help remediate issues
- CommScope Certificate Authority (CA) Service Certificate services for customizable vendor-, product-, and application-specific Root of Trust for their specific devices
- Soracom Air for Cellular Cellular IoT Connectivity and data management
- CommScope Secure Factory and Remote Provisioning Services Services for provisioning devices with device-unique certificates conforming to vendor-specific profiles
- AlbaSpot Lite GNSS low power positioning service for TESEO III and STM32
- CommScope Fleet Management Services On-going device/fleet management after devices are deployed and in service
- In-Field Provisioning Secure provisioning of IoT devices credentials at deployment
- CommScope Software Signing and Encryption Services Code signing and encryption services to protect device firmware, accessible anytime by authorized users from anywhere
- MYSUPPLY Supply Chain Management
- FoundriesFactory Cloud Service Secure, customizable, Linux-based platform and services for IoT & Edge Devices
- VCON.io Remote Firmware Update and Continuous Automated Firmware tests service
- mDash.net Device Management Remote Control IoT Cloud
- AWS IoT Core Real-time operating system includes a kernel and a growing set of IoT libraries
- Coiote IoT Device Management Platform A robust platform offering streamlined IoT device building, effortless deployment, and comprehensive management functionalities.
- Connectivity Management Platform The Connectivity Management Platform provides global connectivity management solutions for instrumentation, logistics, tracking, positioning, medical other industries.
- ThingSpace + Nimblelink Cellular IoT Development Kit Development Kit for cellular IoT project
- Digi ConnectCore Cloud Services Digi ConnectCore Cloud Services empower OEMs to develop smart connected devices and maintain them after release with secure over-the-air (OTA) software updates
- Kudelski IoT keySTREAM Kudelski IoT key management system that creates a chain of trust between your devices, your data and your IoT platform and applications
- Matter DACs & PKI as a Service Matter DAC (Device Attestation Certificate) service for compliance with the Matter standard, as well as the generation and provisioning of other PKI certificates