Thanks to its operating junction temperature up to 150°C, the TN1605H-8B offers high thermal performance operation up to 16 A rms in a DPAK package.
Its trade-off noise immunity (dV/dt = 500 V/μs) versus its gate triggering current (maximum IGT = 6 mA) and its turn-on current rise (dI/dt = 100 A/μs) allows to design robust and compact control circuit for voltage regulator in motorbikes and industrial drives, overvoltage crowbar protection, motor control circuits in power tools and kitchen appliances and inrush current limiting circuits.
- High junction temperature: Tjmax. = 150 °C
- VDRM / VRRM = 800 V
- VDSM / VRSM = 900 V
- Tight IGT spread: 2 to 6 mA
- High static immunity dV/dt = 500 V/μs at 150 °C
- High turn-on rise dI/dt at 100 A/μs
- Halogen-free molding, lead-free plating
- ECOPACK2 compliant
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