Housed in a fullpack package, this sensitive device fits all sorts of control modes.
It is ideal for applications such as overvoltage crowbar protection, motor control circuits in power tools and kitchen appliances, light dimmers, inrush current-limiting circuits, capacitive discharge ignition and voltage regulation circuits.
- On-state RMS current IT(RMS) = 12 A
- Low gate triggering current IGT = 200 µA
- Peak off-state voltage VDRM/VRRM = 600 V
- ECOPACK®2 compliant component
- UL 1557 standard certified (file ref.: E81734)
eDesignSuite is a comprehensive set of easy-to-use design-aid utilities ready to help you streamline the system development process with a wide range of ST products.
Power Management Design Center
Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components
Signal Conditioning Design Tool
NFC/RFID Calculators
Power Supply Design Tool
LED Lighting Design Tool
Digital Power Workbench
Power Tree Designer
Rectifier Diodes Simulator
Twister Sim
TVS Simulator