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Designed to help automotive engineers deal with the increasing complexity of car electronics, the pillar of ST's AutoDevKit™ development initiative is fast prototyping based on heavy re-use.

A viable, simple, low-cost and time-optimized tool for automotive application engineers facing the challenge to evaluate, prototype, develop and deploy complex embedded systems, our AutoDevKit™ initiative is the ideal companion for developing modern ECU solutions.

Centered around our AutoDevKit library plugin (STSW-AUTODEVKIT) for the SPC5-STUDIO development environment for SPC5 automotive MCUs, the AutoDevKit™ ecosystem includes the following development tools:

AEK MCU discovery and functional boards

AEKD system solution demonstrators, kits and assemblies

  • Full demonstrators: Sets of pre-assembled demonstrator boards implementing an automotive system solution.
  • Hardware assemblies: Non-electronic parts, such as car-like components and loads, used to enrich the prototype and help designers to get closer to the real application and enable a more comprehensive evaluation of the complete solution.
  • Board kits: Sets of pre-selected boards can be ordered using a single code providing an easy, flexible means to build and program a system solution prototype for specific automotive applications.

AutoDevKit Embedded Software

  • Evaluation tool software for both single boards and system solution prototypes. This includes both software and firmware components for setting up the application prototype.

The list of available boards and software tools will steadily grow as we continue to develop the AutoDevKit™ ecosystem. To stay up to date with the latest information:

  • Use AEK EXPLORER (Android/iOS App version, Web Desktop App version)  where you can find the complete list of available tools, select the items fitting your design and receive the project code to test and customize your application.
  • Join the ST AutoDevKit (AEK) Community to learn about new releases, share insights or ask our team of experts your technical questions.
  • Subscribe to our Automotive newsletter for news about our most recent products, solutions and development tools.