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STM32Cube function pack for STEVAL-PROTEUS1 sensor datalog and file transfer over BLE and USB

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The FP-SNS-DATAPRO1 is a STM32Cube function pack for the STEVAL-PROTEUS1 that provides a data logging of the embedded sensors, supporting wired or wireless connectivity.

Sensor data can be stored into the embedded NOR flash memory formatted as FatFs or streamed to a PC via USB (WCID device).

Offline sensor data analysis can be performed on stored data by dedicated HSDPython SDK utilities as already included in other firmware packages.

The application is compatible with the STBLESensor mobile app to configure sensor parameters and file data transfer.

A JSON configuration file can be stored inside the NOR flash memory by means of the STBLESensor mobile app, or directly copied using the STEVAL-PROTEUS1 as USB mass storage. The application uses this configuration file during any starting phase.

The data logging in the wired option is based on USB connectivity supported by Python and C++ real-time control applications.

Sensor data acquisition through a few easy-to-use scripts in Python (Rel. 3.7 or above), provided within the software package.

The data capture software suite is executed by a set of CLI commands on a PC terminal that allow to configure sensors as well as start/stop high speed data logging, and its automatic storage in a PC's folder.

In alternative, the wireless option is based on the STBLESensor app (available for Android from v 5.2 and above), where the user can manage the board and sensor configurations, start/stop data acquisition. The sensor data is stored into embedded NOR flash memory formatted as FatFs.

During this option is also possible to use an automode functionality, that enable start and stop a sequence of datalogs, configurable through a configuration JSON file or directly using the STBLESensor mobile app.

File data transfer can be implemented in two different ways. STBLESensor app, allow to select and send via Bluetooth each acquisition data file from STEVAL-PROTEUS1 to the mobile device.

Connecting the STEVAL-PROTEUS1, as USB mass storage, to a PC, you can use a file manager to browse inside the built-In NOR flash memory in read and write mode.

  • 特徴

    • Firmware package to retrieve and store data from the sensors embedded in the STEVAL-PROTEUS1 evaluation board, using two different options:
      • Wired: on PC folders through USB and PC terminal console
      • Wireless: inside the built-in NOR flash memory controlled by Bluetooth® Low Energy and accessible by USB or Bluetooth® Low Energy
    • The wired option is provided by connecting the STEVAL-PROTEUS1 to a PC via USB, configured with high speed class (USB WCID), plus a customized data capture software suite.
    • The wireless option is built around the data storage on embedded NOR flash memory controlled and accessible by STBLESensor app, and accessible by USB mass storage class (USB MSC).
    • Compatible with STBLESensor (Android and iOS), for sensor settings, system monitoring, and FUOTA.
    • Embedded software, middleware, and drivers:
      • FreeRTOS™ third-party RTOS kernel for embedded devices
      • FatFS: third-party for FAT file system module for small embedded systems
      • PnPLCompManager to handle PnP-like commands and properties generated through a digital twin definition language (DTDL)
      • STEVAL-PROTEUS1 BSP drivers
