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STM32Cube function pack for STEVAL-SMARTAG2 evaluation board with Dynamic NFC Tag, environmental, motion, and ambient light sensors

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FP-SNS-SMARTAG2 is an STM32Cube function pack that allows you to read the ambient light, the motion, and the environmental sensor data on the STEVAL-SMARTAG2 evaluation board. These functions are performed via an NFC-enabled reader, such as a mobile phone or a tablet.

The package supports energy harvesting (enabled by NFC and only for version B of the evaluation board STEVAL$SMARTAG2B) and battery operated use cases.

This software, together with the suggested combination of STM32 and ST devices, can be used to develop tracking, cold chain, medical, smart sensing, smart home, city, and building applications.

The package contains also a simple example that shows how to update the firmware using the NFC and ST25 NFC tag application for Android/iOS.

The software runs on an STM32L4 ultralow power microcontroller. It includes drivers for the dynamic NFC tag and for the ambient light, motion, and environmental sensors.

You can register the NFC sensor tag node on the DSH-ASSETRACKING web application for asset tracking. This app stores and monitors on-board sensor data, as well as the geo-localization of the smartphone used to read the IoT node data.

The software is available also on GitHub, where the users can signal bugs and propose new ideas through [Issues] and [Pull Requests] tabs.

  • 特徴

    • Complete firmware to access data from an IoT node with a dynamic NFC tag, environmental, motion, and ambient light sensors
      • Ultra-low power operations, with the support of energy harvesting (only for version B of the evaluation board STEVAL$SMARTAG2B) and battery operated use cases
      • Compatible with the STAssetTracking application for Android/iOS. This allows data logs reading from the NFC tag and data logs sending to the DSH-ASSETRACKING cloud-based dashboard
      • Compatible with the STNFCSensor application for Android/iOS for reading and setting the data logs
    • The package contains also one example that shows how to update the firmware using the fast transfer mode protocol (ST25FTM)
      • Compatible with the ST25 NFC tag application to download the firmware on the board via NFC
    • Sample implementation available for the STEVAL-SMARTAG2 evaluation board
    • Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube
