

The STSW-S2LP-DK is an evaluation SW package based on the S2-LP high performance ultra-low power RF transceiver for RF wireless applications in the sub-1 GHz band. It is designed to operate in the license-free ISM and SRD frequency bands at 433, 868 and 920 MHz, but can also be programmed to operate at additional frequencies in the 413-479, 452-527, 826-958, 904-1055 MHz bands.

The STSW-S2LP-DK package supports the S2-LP kit platforms available on the associated web pages. It provides an S2-LP library with a complete set of APIs to interface with the S2-LP features, as well as a set of applications demonstrating the use of features of the same device. Each demonstration application comes with a complete set of source files.

The S2-LP_DK GUI application provides an interactive PC interface for the registers on the S2-LP. Its main function is to configure the analog radio section and the packet handler in a user friendly manner for the most common applications.

  • 特徴

    • S2-LP_DK GUI PC application supporting S2-LP
    • S2-LP consumption GUI v1.0.0 PC application
    • S2-LP library and examples
    • Low level APIs to manage:
      • the NUCLEO-L053R8 or NUCLEO-L152RE motherboards interfacing with the S2-LP daughter board
      • the STEVAL-IDB007V2 or STEVAL-IDB008V2 motherboards, based, respectively, on the BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 system-on-chip, interfacing with the S2-LP daughterboard
      • the STEVAL-FKI001V1 evaluation board based on the BlueNRG-1 system-on-chip
      • the STDES-MONARCH based on the BlueNRG-2 system-on-chip
    • STM32L053R8/STM32L152RE HAL driver
    • Drivers for PC (USB Virtual COM plus mass storage) available at www.st.com


A free-form description of a component.ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes.ECCNs are five character alpha-numeric designations used on the Commerce Control List to identify dual-use items for export control purposes. Product supplier(s)Software Version