Qt enables a single software code across all operating systems, platforms, and screen types, from desktops and embedded systems to business-critical applications, in-vehicle systems, wearables, and mobile devices connected to the Internet of Things.
It is used by major global companies and developers worldwide, and the technology enables its customers to deliver exceptional user experiences and advance their digital transformation initiatives. Qt achieves this through its cross-platform software framework for the development of apps and devices, under both commercial and open-source licenses.
Qt technology is used by approximately one million developers worldwide.
- Reduced time-to-market: Key factors that affect the go-to-market time are actual product development time and regulatory and compliance timeframes. Qt’s various libraries and toolsets allow your software team to develop faster. Developers can focus on creating the best user experiences instead of coding what is already been coded for you. The cycle of Prototyping –Development – Testing – Deployment is faster and more efficient with Qt. Qt also supports your regulatory and compliance efforts through our internal resources or our industry-leading partner network.
- Scalable Solution: Qt is a cross-platform framework, compatible with a multitude of operating systems and hardware. All you need is to write your source code once and have the capability to deploy it anywhere you need it. You do not need teams of developers coding specifically for different hardware architectures or operating systems.
- Lower total cost of ownership (TCO): Fewer resources needed and quicker time to market means a lower total cost of ownership and faster revenue recognition.
Code less. Create more. Deploy everywhere.
Qt Group (Nasdaq Helsinki: QTCOM) is a global software company with a strong presence in more than 70 industries and is the leading independent technology behind 1+ billion devices and applications. The Qt Group employs about 800 persons and operates in China, Finland, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Norway, the USA, France, the UK, and India.
Products & Services offered by Qt Group
Qt offers a full framework of tools for designers and developers.
Qt Design Studio closes the gap between designers and developers. Its prototyping features will bring your designs to life and simulate and validate interactions and dynamic behaviors. You can even test, preview, and fine-tune your designs to pixel-perfection live on the target device.
From designer to developer, the Qt Creator’s is a responsive and intuitive cross-platform development environment for creating C++ and declarative QML applications with integrated tools for WYSIWYG UI design, code editor with syntax completion, and visual debugging & profiling tools.
It does not only simplify developers’ life with coding but also tasks like building, compiling, testing, localization, internationalization, etc.
With Qt’s Quality Assurance portfolio, you can address your software quality needs. By using Qt’s next-generation tools for static code, software architecture analysis, and functional GUI testing coupled with the code coverage analysis, you can set your entire test framework.
- Qt for Device Creation - Development framework for embedded platforms
- Qt Development Tools - Design, develop and deploy HMI on embed. platform
Qt and STMicroelectronics
The collaboration between Qt and ST addresses mainly these topics:
- BoM pressure
- Speed of development, a full toolchain for a designer, developer, and tester
- Scaling needs from MCU to MPU, shifting easily from one product line to another with a single workflow and technology
Discover the QT latest use-cases demo based on ST portfolio
Qt: Related Resource
(#STM32MPU) (#STM32MP1)

• 組込み用ソフトウェア
• ソフトウェア開発ツール
Miestentie 7, 02150, Espoo, Finland
Company primary contact phone:
+358 9 8861 8040
The Qt Company
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Qt for Device Creation | Development framework for embedded platforms | STM32L4R9/S9 STM32F469/479 STM32H750 Value line STM32F7x9 STM32F7x0 Value line STM32MP1 series STM32MP2 series |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Qt Development Framework | Develop and deploy UIs and application on embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms | STM32L4R9/S9 STM32F469/479 STM32H750 Value line STM32F7x9 STM32F7x0 Value line STM32MP1 series STM32MP2 series |
Qt Design Studio | UI composition tool turning design visions into functional products | STM32MP1 series STM32MP2 series |
Qt Quality Assurance Tools | Allow performing cross-technology/device GUI testing, code coverage analysis, static code analysis, and checking the compliance of software architecture. | STM32MP1 series STM32MP2 series |
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