The ACS108-8SN belongs to the AC switch range (built with A. S. D.® technology). This high performance switch can control a load of up to 0.8 A.
These devices switch include an overvoltage crowbar structure to absorb the inductive turn-off energy, and a gate level shifter driver to separate the digital controller from the main switch. It is triggered with a negative gate current flowing out of the gate pin.
- Enables equipment to meet IEC 61000-4-5 surge with overvoltage crowbar technology
- High noise immunity against static dV/dt and IEC 61000-4-4 burst
- Needs no external protection snubber or varistor
- Reduces component count by up to 80% and Interfaces directly with the micro-controller
- Common package tab connection supports connection of several alternating current switches on the same cooling pad
- VCL gives headroom before clamping then crowbar action
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