Octavo Systems is the leader in providing System-in-Package (SiP) solutions to innovators around the globe.
Octavo started in 2013 over a discussion between two of the founders considering that Moore’s law was taking on a new interpretation, moving from the concept of integrating on silicon (SoC) to integrating with silicon (SiP). The company has grown and strengthened the team to build a world class organization.
Their goal is to make the electronics design process as easy by integrating most of the core components of an embedded system into a single easy to use package.
Their devices combine things like microprocessors, memory, power supplies, and passives into a standard IC package with a level of integration that provides quicker design cycles, smaller footprints, and a lower total solution cost.
Products offered by Octavo Systems
Octavo provides a specific kind of System-in-Package (SiP), which can also be called a Multi-Chip Module (MCM). It is a building block module that can be used to create a larger system or could be a system itself.
Like the OSD32MP15x that provides all the performance of the STM32MP1 in a package that looks like a microcontroller.
In detail, the OSD32MP15x is a System-in-Package (SiP) integrating STM32MP1, STPMIC1A, up to 1GB DDR3, two MEMs oscillators, EEPROM, passives into a 18mm x 18mm 302-pin BGA with 1mm pitch.
It is an easy-to-use subsystem that can be plugged directly into your design.
Products that focus on the key value of systems
Octavo’s products abstract away some of the most complex and tedious aspects of electronic designs allowing designers to focus on the key value of their system:
- System-in-Package is used in diverse applications such as an automation controller, a smart thermostat, a drone flight controller, a factory automation system, and much more.
- The SiP technology fully supports the integration for electronic systems with complex functions.
- The SiP concept involves combining all the required ICs in a single package. It reduces costs for engineering development and hardware design, saving time and resources enabling a faster time to market.
- The SiP solution combined with a low-cost PCB implementation favors space-constrained applications.
- It also includes a board support package (BSP) to help the customer with their software development and streamline manufacturing and procurement phases.
Octavo Systems in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
Octavo Systems brings its components and module expertise and help our customers to concentrate on their application features and differentiators.
They offer strong experience of STM32MP1 series and give the opportunity to reduce design cost in terms of engineering, PCB, assembly, supply chain, reliability check-up.
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Octavo Systems: Related Resources
Description | Category |
Introducing OSD32MP1 System in Package, the Smallest STM32MP1 Module Available | Video |
Octavo OSD32MP15x SiP and STPMIC1 Power Management IC | BLog Post |
STM32MP1 SiP-lifted, Getting You to Production Faster! | Webinar |

• ST製品搭載デバイス
2277 Plaza Drive Suite 240 Sugar Land, Houston, Texas, United States
Greg Sheridan
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
OSD32MP15x System-in-Package Module | Fully Integrated System in package Module | STM32MP157 STM32MP153 STPMIC1 |
OSD32MP2 Processor Module | Streamlined System-in-Package Module | STM32MP2 series |
OSD32MP2 System-in-Package | Fully Integrated System inPackage Module | STM32MP2 series |
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