Riverdi is a global manufacturer of high-quality display solutions, committed to providing innovative and reliable products for various industries, with a strong focus on TFT LCD displays.
We ensure fast and on-time delivery with low-risk processing. Our mission is to empower engineers and designers with high-performance displays that drive the future of industrial display technology.
We target companies, organizations, and entrepreneurs who need reliable display technologies to create user-friendly products. As a tech company we understand the importance of operational efficiency and direct access to cutting-edge solutions for business - with full availability of R&D, documentation, and engineer support. Thanks to that understanding, for over 10 years we have successfully provided both standard and easily customized displays to clients in the medical, beauty, industrial, digital signage, and laboratory sectors.
Our extensive display offerings have made Riverdi a trustworthy partner among customers in Europe and internationally. Those who choose our solutions always prioritize our quality standards and processes first, which is why our motto is: Save by quality, not on quality.
Products and services offered by Riverdi
- Riverdi offers an extensive range of TFT LCD display solutions and related services, designed to meet the unique requirements of different industries.
- You can quickly access detailed project documentation: datasheets, 3D models, EMI reports, technical drawings, evaluation boards, and test software can all be found on the product pages, like here.
- Display and touch customization to fit the requirements of your project.
STM32 Embedded Displays:
- Powered by STM32H757 and STM32U5G9 high-performance microcontrollers, these displays offer the highest resolution available on the market, up to 1280×800 pixels.
- With the latest 1.54” and 3.5” Nucleo Display kits released, Riverdi also offers an entry-level solution for small displays.
- The typical surface luminance is up to 1000 cd/m2, making these TFT displays very bright–even in outdoor environments.
- IPS technology offers full viewing angles allowing the end-user to interact with the display naturally and intuitively from each side.
- These displays feature industrial-grade capacitive touch panels and low EMI designs to meet industrial, medical, marine, and military application standards.
The STM32 Embedded Displays portfolio includes:
- 12.1" STM32 Embedded Display H757 powered
- 10.1" STM32 Embedded Display H757 powered
- 7.0" STM32 Embedded Display H757 powered
- 5.0" STM32 Embedded Display U5G9 powered
- 3.5" STM32 Nucleo-144 Display Kit
- 1.54" STM32 Nucleo-64 Display Kit
Riverdi in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
The partnership between Riverdi and STMicroelectronics is an excellent example of constructive collaboration within the high-end tech industry. It combines Riverdi's competence in display technology with ST's robust and innovative microcontroller solutions.
By working together, Riverdi and ST support businesses across various industries. They deploy integrated solutions that drive customer engagement and increase operational efficiency.
One of the main advantages of choosing Riverdi displays is their seamless compatibility with TouchGFX, which enables easy WYSIWYG GUI design using library presets and demos.
Riverdi: Related Resources
• エンジニアリング・サービス
• 評価ボード
• ST製品搭載デバイス
Nowy Świat 36, 80-299, Gdansk, Poland
Contact Riverdi
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Riverdi STM32 Evaluation Board | Unique modular system allowing displays with different configurations, easy adaptation and an upgrade of the display without changing the design | STM32F469/479 |
Riverdi STM32 Nucleo 144 Display Kit | This Riverdi Nucleo 3.5? Display Kit comes with a fixed standard High Brightness IPS displays, which you can customize. | NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q NUCLEO-H563ZI |
Riverdi STM32 Nucleo 64 Display Kit | This Riverdi Nucleo 1.54" Display Kit comes with a fixed standard High Brightness IPS displays, which you can customize. | NUCLEO-C071RB NUCLEO-H503RB NUCLEO-U083RC NUCLEO-G071RB NUCLEO-WB55RG STM32C0x1 |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Riverdi Module Customization | Adaptation and upgrade of the display without changing its design | STM32F469/479 STM32H747/757 |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Riverdi STM32 Displays | High brightness IPS display series with STM32 board | STM32U5F9/5G9 STM32U599/5A9 STM32H747/757 |
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