STM32 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

Motor Control Part 5

Motor Control Part 5: STM32 Field Oriented motor control training

Learn how to control motor using FOC algorithm using STM32 and its tools

The training first covers the general basics of BLDC/PMSM motors and their drive using Field Oriented Control (FOC). The training is covering the FOC control method and its implementation on STM32, including the different current sensing methods, sensors and sensor less topologies and other dedicated functions which are part of the STM32 motor control library. All theoretical presentations are combined with practical hands-on examples using the Motor Control Starter Kits, GUI, motor control libraries and real motors.

Who should attend this course?

  • Engineers looking to better understand and implement the validation process for motor control applications
  • Engineers looking for tips and tricks to improve their motor control designs
  • Engineers who wish to fine-tune their motor’s PI controller and increase efficiency

Benefits you will take away

  • You will learn about the common BLDC/PMSM motor types.
  • You will first familiarize yourself with the Field Oriented Control basics and its implementation on STM32.
  • You will practice the tools and motor control libraries of ST solutions.

On line course concept

  • This course takes approximately 5 hours to complete, depending on your proficiency.

Course outline

  • BLDC/PMSM motors basics
  • FOC drive theory
  • STM32 general overview
  • STM32 FOC implementation (sensorless algorithms, state observers)
  • STM32 FOC library
  • Motor Profiler, High Frequency Injection (HFI), OTF
  • Tools, Starter kit, GUI
  • Hands-on sessions
