STM32 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

Basics of cryptography

Security Part 2 – Basics of cryptography MOOC

Security Part 2 – Basics of cryptography

Learn basic information about cryptography



Intention of this training is to introduce main theory concerning cryptography basics (symmetric and asymmetric) with examples of usage mostly common algorithms used nowadays (TDES, AES, RSA, ECC, DH, ECDH).

Who should attend this course?

  • Engineers looking for basic information about cryptography
  • Engineers looking for some examples of usage typical cryptographic algorithms

Benefits you will take away

  • You will improve your knowledge of cryptography
  • You will improve your practical skills related to encryption/decryption of the information

On line course concept

  • Course is provided in MOOC format with course material available online.
  • This course takes approximately 2 hours to complete, depending on your proficiency.

Course outline

  • Introduction to cryptography
  • Basics of symmetric cryptography
  • Basics of asymmetric cryptography
  • Symmetric algorithms: TDES, AES
  • Asymmetric algorithms: RSA, ECC, DH, ECDH, IES
  • Integrity and Authentication
  • Examples of usage

Training materials

Training materials (slides, hands-on projects) can be downloaded from this link