STM32 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

STM32 security needs

Security Part 5: How to define your security needs MOOC

Security Part 5: How to define your security needs

Learn  why security is important and how STM32Trust framework provide ways to mitigate the threats and vulnerabilities of your applications



Get familiar with today main security risks within embedded systems and find out how STM32Trust framework  could help you to better secure  your assets.

Who should attend this course?

  • Engineers looking for basic information about security threat analysis
  • Engineers interested in security topics within nowadays embedded systems

Benefits you will take away

  • Better understanding of threats analysis with practical examples
  • Overview of root of trust and its basic building blocks to establish a chain of trust

Online course concept

Course is provided in MOOC format with course material available online.

This course takes approximately 1 hour to complete, depending on your proficiency.

Course outline

  • Agenda and introduction
  • Threat Analysis
  • Root of Trust
  • Chain of Trust
  • Practical examples
  • Summary