STM32 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

STM32WB Bluetooth Mesh workshop

STM32WB Bluetooth Mesh Workshop

STM32 Advanced Graphics Online Workshop

STM32WB Bluetooth Mesh Virtual hands-on workshop


Learn how to jumpstart your next Bluetooth® solution using a pre‑certified STM32WB-based wireless module


This online workshop will teach you how to develop Bluetooth Mesh networks easily through hands-on exercises using a development kit based on the STM32WB5MMG, a highly-integrated and pre-certified wireless MCU module. The module enables product teams to build connected devices with minimal wireless design skills. The development kit (STM32WB5MM-DK Discovery) features multiple sensors, a digital microphone, QSPI Flash, RGB LEDs and an OLED display to facilitate fast prototyping.

The workshop will guide you through a rich STM32WB development ecosystem consisting of tools, design wizards, radio stacks, and turnkey software libraries available free-of-charge. During the hands-on exercises, you will learn how to create a Bluetooth mesh network using two Discovery kits and your smartphone.

Who should attend this course?

This workshop is intended for hardware and firmware engineers developing IoT nodes, home appliance and automation systems, industrial controls, medical devices, and wearable products.

You will learn

  • The STM32WB Bluetooth 5.2, Zigbee and Thread SoC capabilities
  • STM32WB5MMG module and Discovery board basics and overview
  • How to develop Bluetooth applications using the STM32WB5MMG module and STM32WB5MM-DK Discovery kit
  • How to develop Bluetooth mesh solutions within the STM32WB Ecosystem
  • How to use STM32CubeIDE development tool for development on the STM32WB

Course outline

  • Workshop introduction
  • STM32WB SoC, module and board overview
  • Bluetooth Mesh overview & ST implementation
  • STM32CubeWB Bluetooth LE Stack installation
  • BSP Example Overview
  • Workshop Zip file overview
  • Lab 1: Creating Bluetooth Low Energy project STM32WBMMG-DK
  • Lab 2: Proxy-Relay-Friend Node w/ ST BLE Mesh app
  • Lab 3: Bluetooth Mesh Friend / Low-Power Network demo
  • Lab 4: Bluetooth Mesh Embedded Provisioner


           *This video series is based on the P-NUCLEO-WB55 evaluation board but still features the STM32WB55, and all principles are the same)