STM32 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

STM32 drives Spirit2

STM32 drives Spirit2

Learn how to use SPIRIT2 module with STM32 low power MCUs

Within this session, we are introducing ST Sub GHz chip called SPIRIT2 and its software library in combination with STM32L0 and STM32L4 MCUs using free ST tools STM32CubeMX and TrueStudio.

Who should attend this course?

  • Engineers interested in SPIRIT2 radio solution with connection to STM32 world

Benefits you will take away

  • Understanding and some practice on S2-LP API for STM32 MCUs
  • Porting STM32L0 application into STM32L4 controller using STM32CubeMX

On line course concept

  • Courses are provided in MOOC format with course material available online.
  • Course takes approximately 60 minutes to complete, depending on your proficiency.

Course outline

  • STM32 and Spirit2 introduction
  • Hands-on 1: Build and run S2-LP application on STM32L0 MCU
  • Hands-on 1: Build and run S2-LP application on STM32L4 MCU

Training materials

Training materials (slides, hands-on projects) can be downloaded from this link


  • NUCLEO-L053RB board
  • X-NUCLEO-S2868A1 board (with antenna to be connected via SMA connector)
  • miniUSB cable
  • PC with MS Windows OS (in version 7 or higher) with preinstalled the following software:

            o   STM32CubeMX 

            o   STM32L0 Cube library

            o   STM32L4 Cube library

            o   Atollic TrueStudio

            o   STLink USB driver

            o   S2-LP SDK