

To fully unleash all the possibilities that the Internet of Things (IoT) concept enables, a very large number of devices – more than 20 billion by 2020 – will be connected to the cloud. By using cloud services to collect and process data, user experience and convenience when interacting with any particular product or system can be greatly enhanced. By using a gateway-based architecture – with a bridge or a tablet/mobile app – to connect nodes to cloud servers and services, node complexity and cost can be minimized as non-IP based connectivity technologies can be used. Nodes must nevertheless be uniquely identified in order to send and receive messages as well as handle software and configuration updates through the gateway. At ST, we have developed a range of solutions including pre-integrated cloud connectivity protocols, provisioning and upgrade libraries as well as Software Development Kits (SDK), to help developers create innovative connected devices and services. 阅读更多


用户可以通过网关(可能是智能手机或平板电脑)使用Bluetooth®低功耗技术将节点连接到云解决方案提供商;可将该网关连接到适当的远程无线网络,从而为遥感、驱动和设备管理等一系列物联网应用提供支持。 我们的硬件和软件解决方案包含了预先集成的示例,用于演示如何发送和接收消息、处理固件和配置更新以及操作配套的移动应用程序。它们还可为一些云提供商(包括Azure、Watson或AWS)旗下的软件设计套件 (SDK) 提供支持,并可协助用户构建基于蓝牙低功耗的网络。 意法半导体开发了一份自定义Bluet


可以使用6LoWPAN协议将节点连接到云解决方案提供商;该协议可借助sub GHz连接通过一个连接到适当远程无线网络的网桥进行传输,并为包括遥感、驱动和设备管理在内的一系列物联网应用提供支持。 我们可提供即用型软件库和真实的固件代码示例,用于管理节点到网桥和网桥到云端的连接。  


快速以太网是一种经济实惠的解决方案,可以提供更高的带宽连通性,同时确保完全兼容现有的10 Mbit/s以太网基础设施。它还提供高度的网络互操作性,因为这种技术具有厂商无关性。 STM32连接线微控制器具有支持MII和RMII接口协议的完整10/100以太网MAC,以及支持IEEE 1588精确时间协议的硬件,可为实时应用提供以太网连接。 用户可通过专用硬件和固件包将基于STM32的应用连接到市面上所有具有一流实时功能的实时工业以太网,例如PROFINET®、Ethernet/IP™、EtherC